Important Notes

  1. The public alias/dir is supposed to be unsecured.

  2. If the website is not located at the root of the URL, the link to public/authorized_keys in asceds_cert.php may not work properly (test scenarios).


*** Login (shibboleth or local) username (determines authorized domains for certs)

*** Helper files: css/cert.css ../etc/asceds.php ../etc/config.php ../etc/users.php header.php footer.php

*** Navigation index.php –> host_check.php [client_type] [=independent] O-> edit_cert.php –> request_cert.php OOO> host_check.php [=asceds] O-> asceds_cert.php –> revoke_cert.php

*** Pages –1. index.php: ASCEDS certificate management system (index.php) Purpose: * Entry point for identifying the client and for the general presentation of the ASCEDS architecture.

Info/downloads: * All domains available to the cert manager * Domains authorized to the user

Input: username

Collects (all mandatory): * client_type: managed/unmanaged –> asceds/independent * hostname: text * domain: select from domains authorized to the user

Output (GET to index.php): client_type, hostname, domain

–2. host_check.php: ASCEDS certificate inquiry Purpose: * Presents information about existing certificate for the client, if any. * Offers links to existing certificate files for unmanaged clients.

Info/downloads: if the client has a current certificate: * certificate validity (effective/expiration) * SANS list * links to existing certificate files for unmanaged clients

Input (GET from index.php,request_cert.php): client_type, hostname, domain

Collects: * client type changing acknowledgement (reguired if any change) –> propagates to logs through request_cert.php,asceds_cert.php ack = same (no change) tonotmanaged (from managed to unmanaged) tomanaged (from unmanaged to managed)

Output1 (POST to edit_cert.php if client_type=independent): hostname, domain, sans, ack, addhost=’‘, adddomain=’‘, delhost=’’

Output1 (POST to asceds_cert.php if client_type=asceds): hostname, domain, sans, ack

Output2 (POST to revoke_cert.php): hostname, domain, sans

–3. edit_cert.php: ASCEDS new certificate edit Purpose: * Edits the SANS list for the new certificate

Info/downloads: * Hostname (fqdn) * Current SANS list, as configured so far * Number of hostnames in the SANS list

Input (POST from host_check.php,edit_cert.php): hostname, domain, sans, ack, addhost, adddomain, delhost

Collects: * Host name to add to the SANS list: text * Domain of the host above: select from domains authorized to the user * Full hostname to remove from the SANS list: select from current SANS list elements

Output1 (POST to edit_cert.php): hostname, domain, sans, ack, addhost, adddomain, delhost

Output2 (POST to request_cert.php): hostname, domain, sans, ack

–4. request_cert.php: ASCEDS new certificate create Purpose: * Creates a new certificate immediately (by ssh) or after a while (by cron) –> asceds-web-unmanaged -q -n -c –> asceds-certbot-gencert -q -e -c -s * Copies the certificate files to /keys// * Updates cert.conf info if needed

Info/downloads: * (if by cron) When are the certificate files available for download

Input (POST from edit_cert.php): hostname, domain, sans, ack, addhost, adddomain, delhost

Collects: nothing


Output2 (log file /var/log/asceds/request.history): date, full hostname, username, sans, ack log: Web user requested certificate for with SANS , client type changed to:

–5. revoke_cert.php Purpose: * Revokes current certificate immediately (by ssh) or after a while (by cron) –> asceds-web-unmanaged -q -r -c –> asceds-certbot-revoke -q -e -c

Info/downloads: * (if by cron) Timeline for certificate revocation

Input (POST from host_check.php): hostname, domain, sans

Collects: nothing


Output2: full hostname, username * log: Web user revoked certificate for

–6. asceds_cert.php Purpose: * Creates certificate files for managed clients; * propagates certificate files to the clients O-> asceds-test-return -c –> asceds-web-propagate q -c –> asceds-client-setup -q -n -c –> asceds-certbot-gencert -q -e -c -s –> asceds-send-cert -q -c

Info/downloads: * (if by cron) Timeline for data propagation

Input (POST from host_check.php): hostname, domain, sans, ack

Collects: nothing


Output2 (log file /var/log/asceds/request.history): date, full hostname, username, ack log: Web user propagated asceds data for

Output3 (POST to asceds_cert.php): hostname, domain, sans, ack * loop to fix rw acces to asceds@client

Website accounts (simple auth) login should be valid email of requestors

certadmin@localhost:q1q2q3a4 -> we’ll make it admin certadmin2@localhost:q1q2q3a5 -> math,phys,logic certadmin3@localhost:q1q2q3a6 -> chem certadmin4@localhost:q1q2q3a7 -> bio,mbic,mcs certadmin5@localhost:q1q2q3a8 -> phys certadmin6@localhost:q1q2q3a9 -> nothing

htpasswd [-c] .htpasswd certadmin?